
Showing posts from September, 2020

RED: a red-themed rock music playlist!

Over the past two years, I have found that making playlists is something that I'm really passionate about! When paired with my other favorite hobby, collaging, I have been able to make some really special mix CDs and album art for my friends and family, which I will hopefully post details on at some point in the future. This particular playlist idea, RED, came about when quarantine began and I wanted to make a gift for my boyfriend, whom I hadn't been able to spend time with for weeks. I had made him a few playlists before--all cheesy, all romantic. I wanted this one to be different! His favorite color is red, and his favorite genre of music is rock. I put the two together and voila! A rock playlist containing only songs named after different shades of red. This playlist was SO fun to make. My criteria for making uniquely themed playlists such as these is: 1. the song lyrics must reflect the theme of the playlist (in this case, each song had to mention the color of red that it

Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager Themes: Old Folks!

I'm chuckling to myself right now as I imagine a future version of Animal Crossing called Animal Crossing: Old Folks. I'm pretty sure I would be obsessed with it, but maybe that's just because I'm exhausted and it's almost 1 in the morning. Unfortunately, that game will likely never exist, but until then, we can still make our islands into a retirement paradise for the elderly Animal Crossing villagers! I've rounded up ten villagers that I believe to be the most eligible options for senior citizens in the game. I haven't been able to test out this combo in-game yet because I have a disturbing lack of Amiibo cards . . . and a disturbing lack of New Horizons. But that's okay! If I actually had the game, I probably wouldn't have enough time to make this blog post in between keeping up my New Leaf town and playing New Horizons obsessively. Let me know if you give it a try! Better yet, if you're just starting out and for some reason, you decide to mak

Cherry Limeade Flavors, Best To Worst

I have no idea how my intense infatuation with cherry limeade truly began, but I fell fast, and I fell hard. This tart yet sweet beverage has become a stable fixation of mine over the course of a year, turning every grocery-shopping trip and stopping-for-gas trip into a cherry-limeade-seeking adventure. I have exhausted all of my local grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores, dollar stores, and restaurants during my search for this elusive drink flavor, and I have decided to share the somewhat expansive knowledge I have gained on my journey. I will sort all of the cherry limeades that I have tested thus far into the following categories: "my favorites," "yep, these are tasty," "pretty decent," "not really my style," and "this doesn't even taste like cherry limeade!" I am by no means a food critic. I have no authority to claim certain brands as the 'best' and others as the 'worst.' This list is simply my pers