RED: a red-themed rock music playlist!

Over the past two years, I have found that making playlists is something that I'm really passionate about! When paired with my other favorite hobby, collaging, I have been able to make some really special mix CDs and album art for my friends and family, which I will hopefully post details on at some point in the future.

This particular playlist idea, RED, came about when quarantine began and I wanted to make a gift for my boyfriend, whom I hadn't been able to spend time with for weeks. I had made him a few playlists before--all cheesy, all romantic. I wanted this one to be different! His favorite color is red, and his favorite genre of music is rock. I put the two together and voila! A rock playlist containing only songs named after different shades of red. This playlist was SO fun to make. My criteria for making uniquely themed playlists such as these is:

1. the song lyrics must reflect the theme of the playlist (in this case, each song had to mention the color of red that it was named after).
2. I must like the song, or at least be convinced that the recipient of the playlist will like it.
3. I need at least twelve songs, ideally fourteen.
4. Each song title and artist needs to be different than the others.

After weeks of sifting through Spotify, searching up color names, and listening to every song over and over until I narrowed it down to the perfect ones, I was able to complete my playlist! I loved how it turned out, and so did Brandon!

You can find this playlist on my Spotify--it has the same album art as pictured above, minus the digitally added text. I've hyperlinked it here. Let me know if you give it a listen :).

Talk to you later or something,
Faithy Tunkers (not my real name)


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